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Wrington Twinning Association MINUTES of a meeting of the Committee 30th August 2013      11am    The Plough Present: John Adams (Chairman) , Echo Irving, Judith Kinsman, Richard Thorn (Minute taker), Nick Walters (Hon Secretary) 1 Apologies Sarah Chilcott, John Rawlins, Annabel Scott, John Urquhart, Janet Walters 2 Minutes of the Meeting of 28th June agreed to be a correct record                       3 Finance Report  (JW) - £1190.91 balance + c. £80 in cash 4 Events        ACTION -AGM: publicity and arrangements (22nd October) Poster from JW to go to Journal and website and distributed to members. The year runs from AGM so renewals needed. Membership fee to remain notional. No charge for AGM so as not to deter non-members. 7.30pm start. Talk by Cassie 7.40pm to 8.30pm-ish, including questions and discussion, then wine whilst brief AGM. Cassie's rail fare from London to be paid. Arrangements for pre-circulation of AGM business to reduce time taken. Number of committee places vacant to be stated. JW and SC (tbc) on door for reception, membership renewal etc                      JW SC JA and NW to arrange technical resources.                                                                  JA  NW Booklet [see below] can contain slip advertising AGM. -programme for 2013-14 (see booklet draft) – to be finalised by email (by Sept 20)           JA 5 V-l-B liaison - schools slow progress, but Annie keen to set up exchanges - will involve Annabel, Sarah, Dan Lloyd - Villeneuve visit 6-8 Sept David and Sue Simpson are going to carry the flag. They will meet Prof.Papp. Otherwise, we are too small in critical mass to get a group together this time round. - authored articles for Villeneuve magazine offers still awaited.JA has provided translations for notices in English outside VLB places of public interest. -Possibility of asking the Papps or others to take over the VLB end of the recipe book from Christine.   JK 6 Publicity and engagement -booklet 2013-14 (NW) 11th October print. Written report, including rate card, from NW.  Problem for YB-L in getting VLB B&B ads. Need for other sales in/around Wrington. Deadline looms - end of September. All Committee urged to make contacts for eliciting adverts using rate card.    editorial content needs to be light, attractive, not too long. Photos needed of twinning events and 'feel good' - possible inclusion of a French recipe, &c                                                JA/EI -leaflet distribution sites and outlets seem to be working; watch out for needto keep topping up, check need for plastic holders/with logo                                                                               ALL - contact with village organisations - deferred to next meeting 7 AOB - none 8 Date of next meeting suggested Friday, 25th October tbc following AGM