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Wrington Twinning Association Annual General Meeting -  29th October 2014 at Redhill Village Hall The meeting took place during the course of a convivial evening set in a 'French café' created for the occasion in the Redhill Village Hall. PRESENT: Frank & Jane Finn, John & Cassie Adams, Anthony & Margaret Hancock, Echo Irving, David & Sue Simpson, John & Val Urquhart, Janet Walters, Annabel Scott, Stephen Sampson, Sarah Avery, Peter & Margaret Myers, Phil & Sue Parker, Rod & Veronica Hobbs, Stuart Jones, Sarah Jackson, Sharon Riddell, Roger Owen CHAIR: Frank Finn 1 Apologies: Sarah Chilcott, David & Liz Buckley 2 Minutes of Members' Meeting 22nd October 2014: (previously circulated at the meeting). It was proposed that these should be  approved as an accurate record and that there were no matters arising. Proposed: David Simpson, Seconded: John Urquhart. Passed unanimously. 3 Chair’s Report :(circulated at the meeting and attached) The Chairman reported that this had been a year of change and consolidation. Nick  Walters, who had been a valuable member of the Committee had taken the Chair at the start of the year and had very unfortunately fallen ill and passed away. Frank Finn had been co-opted to take his place. David Buckley had resigned from the Committee to concentrate on liaison with VLB and Richard Thorn had resigned for personal reasons. Anthony Hancock had been co-opted and appointed as Secretary. Janet Walters had continued to act as Treasurer in her capacity as a co-opted Committee member. The focus had been on increasing local involvement and extending communication with other twinning associations and local organisations. A  group of 8 members from Wrington had visited VLB in April for the occasion of the commemoration ceremony for the deportations during the Second World War. The Chairman referred to and expanded on the activities of the various groups and sub-committees and future plans for the Association, all as detailed in his attached report. 4 Finance Report : The Finance Report, prepared by the Treasurer, Janet Walters had been circulated at the meeting (copy attached). There had been an excess of  expenditure over income of £298.37. It was hoped to raise funds in the near future, particularly from the Wine Fair to take place on 6th November and from the lottery referred to by the Chairman. 5. Amendments to the Constitution: The Chairman said that the Committee felt that the question of amending the Constitution required further deliberation in Committee before any proposition could be put to the general meeting and it had been decided to defer the matter until next year.   6. Any other business: John Urquhart drew attention to the Wine Fair to take place on 6th November and said there were still some places available. 7. Elections to Committee: A list of those putting themselves forward for Committee membership had been circulated at the meeting and no other candidates had come forward. The Chairman confirmed that the candidates for Committee membership were:            Frank Finn                              Echo Irving                              John Adams                              Annabel Scott                              Janet Walters                              Anthony Hancock It was proposed that these candidates should be elected en bloc. Proposed: David Simpson. Seconded: Margaret Hancock. Passed unanimously.                                                                   There being no other business the Chairman thanked those attending and closed the meeting at approximately 9.15 pm.                                                                                           ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ WRINGTON TWINNING ASSOCIATION (WTA) - Twinned with Villeneuve-Lès-Béziers (VLB) The French Connection AGM Chair’s Report October 2013 – September 2014 The year was a period of change and consolidation.  The WTA Committee and Sub Committees built on the excellent work of previous years and focussed on increasing local involvement and extending communications with other twinning associations and local organisations. Events Sub Committee Unfortunately the annual boules competition and barbeque on June was abandoned due to torrential rain The annual French Quiz took place on 28 September and was well supported.  It may come as a surprise (to very few) to note that the winning team contained both John Adams and John Urquhart The Sub Committee has been working very hard to prepare this evening’s entertainment John Urquhart has also been working, in a very dedicated fashion, to prepare for the Wine Fair taking place on 6 November at Aldwick Court farm.  There will be wines from the Languedoc area, Béziers in particular, in addition to local wines.  I hope as many of you as possible will attend this fine event. As a means of promoting additional events the Committee is pursuing the possibility of sponsored events which will promote local organisations/businesses in addition to the WTA VLB Liaison Sub Committee In March we received the welcome news that M. Jean-Paul Galonnier had been re-elected mayor of VLB, albeit with a small majority. This meant that the personal relationships that had been built up remained in place The news was excellent for the visit by Wrington to VLB.  8 travelled there and enjoyed a delightful weekend John Urquhart subsequently made a personal visit as part of the planned Wine Fair preparation The  Sub Committee is currently planning for a Wrington Weekend @ VLB to show our way of life A visit by a VLB youth football team is being arranged Annabel Scott has initiated correspondence between her 10 – 11 year olds and similar aged children in VLB The possibility of English language courses being run here for VLB students is being explored (perhaps with a reciprocal agreement ) The setting up of a WTA young/youth Sub Committee is also being pursued with the objective of increasing communication between the two communities at the youth level and providing youthful guidance to the main Committee The French Conversation Groups Under the leadership of Annabel Scott, and more recently Margaret and Anthony Hancock, the Conversation Groups continue to flourish.  This is a key offering of membership of the WTA.  We thank them for their outstanding work. Publicity and Engagement Sub Committee On 12 July the WTA had a stall at the Wrington Fair. This was a first.  It  had high visibility as it was the first stall to be met on the site.   It was well decorated with French and British flags and bunting and French clothing was worn.  A treasure hunt based on a map of the VLB region proved popular.  WTA engaged with the Devon Twinning Circle which has 80 associations from near and far as members.  Its purpose is to exchange ideas, provide leverage and provide blanket insurance for twinning associations. WTA has been in contact with Wrington Vale Rotary to explore possible ways of working together Echo Irving has agreed to create and co-ordinate regular contributions to the Parish Journal Regular input to the VLB Quarterly Magazine will be provided Sarah Chilcott will co-ordinate the creation of a quarterly Newsletter The Sub Committee is also looking at new funding opportunities.  One of these is a 100/200 Lottery details of which are explained in the “Interested?” sheets on your tables The WTA Committee It has been and still is a period of change in the personnel David Buckley joined the Committee at the last AGM and then subsequently resigned to concentrate on the VLB Liaison Sub Committee Richard Thorn stepped down for the Committee during the year for personal reasons but continues to support the WTA (and Parish) website.  Many thanks to Richard John Urquhart and Sarah Chilcott are stepping down at this AGM but both are committed to ongoing support of the WTA.  Thank you for their efforts John Adams resigned as Chair earlier this year due to pressure of work but remains committed to serving on the Committee Nick Walters was elected to replace John.  This was finely deserved. Nick had single handedly produced the superb booklet which was distributed to all households in the Parish.  It is an ultimately professional piece of work Unfortunately, Nick was taken ill and passed away.  He is greatly missed.  In memory of Nick the annual boules tournament will be dedicated to him and the trophies will be the Nick Walters trophies. Nick’s wife, Janet, continued to soldier on as the WTA Treasurer and has put herself up for election this evening Tony Hancock was co-opted to the Committee and then took on the role of Secretary. I joined the Committee at the last AGM was elected Chair subsequent to the above Future Plans These will depend upon the Committee, the willingness of other people to become involved in the Sub Committees, the success of the Committee’s networking efforts and the level and commitment of youth involvement The future looks positive and with your support the twinning arrangement will flourish to the benefit of both communities Frank Finn, Chair WTA October 2014                                                                                                   ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Treasurer’s Report for year ended 30.09.14 I am pleased to report that we have appointed an honorary auditor in Mark Hunter who has an accounts business in Bristol but lives locally in Felton.  He has reviewed the accounts of the Twinning Association up to 30th September 2013 and signed them off as being an accurate record of our activities.  I shall shortly be giving him the accounts overleaf to be signed off. As you will see from those accounts we have made a small loss this year mainly due to the donation to the Scouts for delivering the brochure not being covered by the sale of advertising and also from monies paid out for trophies for the ‘rained off’ Boules competition. The committee are hopeful that this year we can boost our funds in order to support the development of youth contact and exchange visits. Janet Walters Treasurer