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Wrington Twinning Association Minutes of Meeting 9th January 2015 Present: Frank Finn, John Adams, Annabel Scott, Janet Walters, Tony Hancock. In attendance: Jill Rawlins   1.Apologies: Echo Irving Minutes of the Meeting of 21st November 2014: These were approved and there were no matters arising. Debriefing on the Wine Fair: The Chairman tabled letters he had written to John and Val Urquhart and Sandy Luck thanking them for their contributions to the success of this event. Events and Liaison: Young peoples' football meeting: There is a risk that the Wrington sportsground will not be available for Saturday May 8th and Nick Finch had requested that the event should be moved back a week. It was agreed that this would be impracticable at this stage and that the agreed dates must be retained. Alternative possibilities are to play the match on the Sunday, to use the sports ground at Wrington school or to find a pitch elsewhere (e.g. Winsombe). Annabel Scott will look into the last two possibilities.The teams will probably be accommodated in pairs with the families of young Wrington footballers but it may be necessary to look for other accommodation with local families for some of the adulst accompanying them. The 'Wrington weekend' in Villeneuve: After discussion it was decided that, especially as there had been little response to the request for ideas, and also because air fares to Villeneuve will be very high for the Whitsun weekend,  it would be better to postpone this until after the summer holidays, by which time  there should be in place a more detailed plan for possible events. John Adams will discuss this with Villeneuve. Youth Committee: Discussions on this topic are continuing. It appears possible that the scoWinter NewsletterPermanuts could establish a badge for participation in twinning activities. It was also noted that we might be able to take advantage of the Wrington Youth Week in 2016 to involve young people from Villeneuve in activities here.  Annabel Scott will look further into this.       5.Events Committee: A chair person still has to be found for this committee. Publicity etc.: The Chairman mentioned that the winter newsletter was due. He will take this up with Echo Irving. He also mentioned the need to be in contact with other local organisations to broaden the association's footprint and publicise its activities. This will be one of the objectives of the proposed 'brainstorming' session. Brainstorming meeting: Jill Rawlins has kindly agreed to facilitate a brainstorming meeting to help the committee define objectives, identify activities and broaden its profile. She suggested that the first session should be limited to about one hour. It was agreed that this would take place on 11th January at Jill's house (Court Cottage, Ladymead, Wrington) at 12 pm. At the same time a photograph of the Committee will be taken to comply with the request of Villeneuve for a photograph for the January edition of their magazine.  Permanent address for the association: It was agreed that it would be useful to have a permanent postal address and that, if possible, this should be at the Parish Council offices. This needs to be agreed with the clerk to the council. Annabel Scott will take this up with the clerk to the council. Website, email address etc.: The Chairman reported that Richard Thorn would be unable to provide this service for much longer and that we should be looking into the possibility of the assocation having its own website (linked to the village website) and email address. It was agreed that this was desirable and that we should also look into opening both Facebook and Twitter accounts. It will be necessary to find somebody with the required skills to set up and maintain these activities.The Chairman will meet Richard Thorn before the end of the month (when the current domain address expires) to discuss this. Devon Twinning Circle Insurance: The Secretary reported that the association is now covered by the Devon Twinning Circle's insurance scheme for liability arising from events. For each event a risk assessment analysis will have to be prepared. It will also be possible for members travelling on association business to take out travel insurance via DTC at a cost of £11 per person per trip. When the time is appropriate it will be necessary to inform members of this possibility. The Treasurer will probably have to collect subscriptions for passing on to DTC or their insurers. Constitution: Tony Hancock had received only one comment on the redrafted Consitution that he circulated. Whilst this cannot be adopted until the Annual General Meeting later in the year. Members of the Committee are nevertheless invited to look at it and comment as they see fit. Unpaid subscriptions: Janet Walters reported that a number of subscriptions had been paid and that the new procedure that had been adopted enabling members to pay on line had produced results. It was agreed that, in future, a separate letter should be sent out when subscription renewals become due and that the possibility of on line payment should be mentioned.  Date of next meeting:  13th February at 7.00 pm. At Janet Walters' house (14 Yeoman's Orchard).