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Wrington Twinning Association     Minutes of Committee Meeting 13th February 2015 Present: Frank Finn, John Adams, Annabel Scott, Janet Walters, Tony Hancock. In attendance: Jill Rawlins   1.Apologies: None Minutes of the Meeting of 9th January 2015: These were approved and there were no matters arising. Committee membership: The Chairman informed the meeing that Echo Irving had submitted her resignation from the Committee. This was accepted with regret and the Committee expresssed its thanks to her for her very substantial contributions to the setting up and the life of the Association. Echo has said that she will be prepared to continue to assist wherever possible, an offer that was gratefully accepted. To replace Echo and, in particular to help with the identifcation and implementation of the Association's objectives it was proposed that Jill Rawlins should be co-opted on to the Committee.  Proposed: Frank Finn: Seconded: Tony Hancock. Agreed unanimously. Events and Liaison: The Chairman reminded the Committee that it was still necessary to appoint a chairman for the Events Committee, for which no candidate has yet been identified. Young peoples' football meeting: Frank Finn and John Adams will meet Nick Finch within the next few days to take the arrangements further. It is intended that a programme of events will be arranged around this weekend. 5. Permanent address for the Association: The Chairman confirmed that the Association now has a permanent address for correspondence at the John Locke room. He will take responsibility for collecting correspondence that arrives, provided he is notified of its impending arrival.           6.Winter Newsletter: Tony Hancock will work on this and discuss it with Echo Irving. When the text is ready Sarah Chilcott will be prepared to format it for distribution Website, email address, etc.: The Chairrman has had a discussion with Richard Thorn, who would like to hand over gradually responsibility for the Association's section of the website. This will be transferred to the Association's own website (  The Chairman will write up and circulate his minutes of his discussion with Richard Thorn. It was agreed that steps must be taken for the Association to have a presence on social media. It will be necessary to find one or more people qualified and prepared  to organise this and to help obtain the maximum publicity through it. As a start the Chairman agreed to arrange for his daughter Nicola to talk to the Committee about digital publicity. Brainstorming meeting: Jill Rawlins agreed to facilitate a further brainstorming session of the Committee at her house on Monday 23rd February at 6.30 pm. for one hour. Before that Frank Finn will circulate his thoughts on what sub-committees might be needed and Jill Rawlins will also circulate her further thoughts. Annual General Meeting 2015 : It was agreed that, after the success of the 2014 event, the 2015 annual general meeting should be held at the Wrington Memorial Hall on a Saturday lunchtime and that suitable refreshment should be provided. The date was provisionally fixed for 17th October. Janet Walters was asked to liaise with Jane Finn to reserve the hall for that date.  Date of next meeting:  It was agreed to postpone fixing the date of the next Committee meeting until after the brainstorming session on 23rd February. The point was however made that there is probably a need for more communication between Committee members on ongoing matters outside the formal meetings and that decisions of the Committee can be taken in writing without the need for a physical meeting. Any other business: There was discussion of the boules competition, for which Janet Walters has proposed to present a trophy in memory of her late husband. This needs to be discussed with the management of The Plough to make certain there is no conflict. Annabel Scott told the meeting that contact between our local schools and those in VLB was increasing satisfactorily.